Huffington Magazine Issue 43 | Page 9

ARTHUR SCHATZ//TIME LIFE PICTURES/GETTY IMAGES Enter LOOKING FORWARD IN ANGST JASON LINKINS HUFFINGTON 04.07.13 GOOGLE DOODLE’S EASTER DUSTUP PORTRAYS THE FAITHFUL AS FECKLESS WING TO THE FACT that I use the Google Chrome extension to do all my web searching, I rarely have occasion to visit Google’s main page, and consequently, I miss out on all of the fun and whimsical Google “doodles” O the search company regularly places there. Unless, of course, those doodles “make news.” And over the Easter holiday, one of those doodles did, diddling the domes of conservative Twitter trawlers, outraged that the Easter Sunday doodle celebrated the birthday of labor leader Cesar Chavez, as opposed to, I guess, something Eastery. And so now we have this whole A portrait of activist and United Farm Workers leader Cesar Chavez.