HTT 210 EDU Future Starts Here/ HTT 210 EDU Future Starts Here/ | Page 6

o People and culture o Predictable and appropriate weather =================================================== HTT 210 Week 4 Assignment: The Future of Ecotourism (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Due Date: Day 7 [post to the Individual forum] Think of a trip to a location you visited in the past, or find a current vacation destination area that is in need of improvement due to insensitivity to the environment or culture. Applying ecotourism concepts, consider various means to improve the area. Resources: National Geographic Society Web site Review the National Geographic Society Web site if you need help finding a destination. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper describing your ideas to improve the environment or culture of a vacation destination. Include responses to the following: o Why did you choose this area? Describe the environment or culture. o What needs improvement? o What do you think might happen to this area if nothing is done? o How might ecotourism practices help this area? o Which stakeholders need to be involved? o Which accredited ecotourism organizations might help you with your improvements? o Provide at least two challenges and two opportunities for the future of this area. Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Post your completed paper as an attachment ===================================================