HTT 210 EDU Future Starts Here/ HTT 210 EDU Future Starts Here/ | Page 5

characteristics and the destinations and activities promoted in your brochure. o Create your brochure using the Tri-fold Brochure Template located under the Week Two Materials section of your student Web page, any Microsoft® Word document, or one of the templates posted on the Microsoft® Office Online Web site at o Include relevant graphics for your brochure. Refer to Appendix C if you need to see examples of brochures or to help you find graphics for your brochure. Format your brochure according to APA guidelines. Post the brochure and response as an attachment. =================================================== HTT 210 Week 2 CheckPoint: Vacation Destinations (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Due Date: Day 5 [post to the Individual forum] Resources: Ch. 15 of Travel and Tourism: An Industry Primer, and Table 15.1 on p. 378 Review pp. 374–378 of Travel and Tourism: An Industry Primer. Conduct an Internet search and find a destination encompassing the characteristics of a great destination. Visit the Web sites provided in your text on pp. 405–407 to help with your search. Describe why your chosen destination is great in 200 to 300 words. Relate your description to the characteristics listed on p. 378, in Table 15.1: o Location o Specific attractions o Scenic wonders