HTT 210 EDU Future Starts Here/ HTT 210 EDU Future Starts Here/ | Page 7

HTT 210 Week 4 CheckPoint: Lisa’s Ecotourism Trip (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Due Date: Day 5 [post to the Individual forum] Resource: Appendix D and Lisa's Trip to Chaco Canyon Digital Story Review the information from Guidelines for the Ecotraveler on p. 425. View Lisa's Trip to Chaco Canyon Digital Story at Post Appendix D as a Microsoft® Word attachment. =================================================== HTT 210 Week 5 CheckPoint: Travel Transportation (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Due Date: Day 5 [post to the Individual forum] In Week Two, you select a target group, possible destinations, and activities that group might enjoy based on their characteristics. Consider how your group might travel to one of the destination sites or activities. Review this week’s discussions regarding the transportation sectors with classmates. Consider the destinations and activities you recommend for your target group in Week Two and choose the transportation sectors that best accommodate the group.