HRM 546 Dreams Come True / HRM 546 Dreams Come True / | Page 8

HRM 546 Week 3 Religious Discrimination and Racial Harassment Marshawn DeMur Reference : Religious Discrimination and Racial Harassment : What Ever Happened to MarShawn DeMur ? Discuss the MarShawn DeMur case as a team . Research legal cases on religious discrimination and racial harassment using online law libraries of your choice .
Write a 750- to 1000-word paper , written in the third person voice , and address the following questions :
Create a 10-to 15-slide presentation with speaker notes , not including the title page or References page and address the following :
· Identify and describe the specific issues Maalick encountered in the workplace . Do the actions of other workers at Treton represent discrimination and harassment ? What elements of law are important for Treton to consider ?
· Evaluate the actions of the HR director , Marta Ford , in response to Maalick ' s situation . What could she have done to prevent the situation and what more could she do to ensure that this type of situation would not occur in the future ?
· How would you characterize Clive Jenkins ' behavior and response to this situation ?
· What resolution to this situation might Judith Dixon suggest ?
· What are the broader implications of this situation for Treton ? What type of organizational review might Dixon initiate or suggest from a corporate perspective ? Include justification for your responses by citing a minimum of two laws and a minimum of two legal cases in your discussion . Relate the legal cases you select to the issues presented in MarShawn DeMur ' s case scenario .