HRM 546 Dreams Come True / HRM 546 Dreams Come True / | Page 10

================================================== HRM 546 Week 5 Gyro , Inc . Chemical Plant Human
Resource Dilemma ( WhistleBlower ) ( 2 Papers )
“ unqualified ” disabled female minority was hired to a highly desirous position over the objections of an employee that believed he or she should have been awarded the position instead ? Include justification for your responses by citing a minimum of one law and a minimum of two legal cases in your discussion . Consider issues such as institutional culture , diversity , and any strategic steps that should be addressed in your responses . Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines . Use a minimum of two in-text citation sources within the paper , in addition to the one law and two legal cases required above , and identify them in your APA correctly formatted References page . Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment .

================================================== HRM 546 Week 5 Gyro , Inc . Chemical Plant Human

Resource Dilemma ( WhistleBlower ) ( 2 Papers )

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This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
Resource : Human Resource Dilemmas , Gyro , in Ch . 4 of Employment Law Research legal cases on the Whistleblower Protection Act , False Claims Act , and Sarbanes-Oxley Act using online law libraries of your choice . Write a 750- to 1000-word paper , written in the third person voice , and address the following questions :
· Explain the components of the Whistleblower Protection Act and describe how it works .