HRM 310 help Minds Online/ HRM 310 help Minds Online/ | Page 18

§ What will it take to move them along the continuum in the direction of adoption? § Use the AIDA Continuum chart and include this chart in your plan. § What is the commitment to the adoption of those who have reached the adopter stage? That is, are they at the “let it happen” stage, the “help it happen” stage, or the “make it happen” stage? § Use the Responsibility Chart and include this chart in your plan. § Who will do what, where, when, and how? Often a responsibility chart can be useful to track these things. Contingency Planning § What are the critical decision points? Who makes those decisions? § What should be done if the decision or event does not go as planned? § What plans can be made to account for these contingencies? If you can, draw a decision tree of the action plan and lay out the decision- event sequence. Measurement of Change § How will it be determined that the goal or change project has been successfully implemented? At times, success will be obvious (e.g., a new system in place). At other times, success will be more difficult to measure (e.g., attitudes toward the adoption and acceptance of a new system). § What intermediate signals will indicate that progress is being made? What is the first step or sequence of steps? Transition Strategy Formulate a transition strategy that includes a communications proposal. § How will the transition be managed? § Who will make the innumerable decisions required to handle the details? § Who will provide information to those affected? § How will the change be communicated to organizational members? Use organizational change terminology consistent with what is used in your text. Use a minimum of four sources (two of which must be peer-reviewed) in addition toOrganizational Change text. Format the assignment consistent with APA guidelines.