How To Make Money Online How_To_Make_Money_Online | Page 19

t he lit t le guy t o get a foot hold. When you narrow down t he size of t he market you eradicat e most of t he heavy hit t ers wit h bot t omless advert ising budget s, because t hese guys aren't int erest ed in making a few t housand bucks a year from t hese t iny specialized market s, t hey're aft er millions from mass market s... ... And let 's face it if you're a lit t le guy you simply can't be everyt hing t o everybody, so you must pick a specific focus (Niche) for your business. For example don't t arget "Fishing", inst ead t arget "Fishing Bait s" or "Fishing Lures" bot h of which have a much more specific focus... ...Get t he idea? Once you narrow down t he size of t he market you have an aut omat ic advant age over larger companies. Here's why : * You can quickly become an expert in your niche (if you're not already) * It 's easier t o keep current wit h a narrowly focused market niche * You can respond fast er t o changes in t he market * You can build close relat ionships wit h key cust omers t hat will be hard t o compet e wit h This is somet hing I learned from experience - if you're int erest ed you can read my st ory here : ht t p://www.nichemarket icles/andre-ant hony-value-of-niche- market m. By now you're probably wondering about t he mechanics of t his niche market ing st uff. In a nut shell here's how it works : * Find and research profit able niche market s 19