How To Make Money Online How_To_Make_Money_Online | Page 18

6. Niche And Grow Rich FREE Make Unlimit ed Aut opilot Cash HERE FREE A New Idea for Making Money Online Every Day HERE Get A Free Money Making Sales Funnel HERE Unless you've been living under an Int ernet rock, you've probably heard t he buzz about Niche Market ing. Right now it 's t he hot t est market ing t opic online. Is it a new concept ? Well on t he Int ernet maybe, but if like me, you've been involved in direct response market ing in t he 'Brick s and Mort ar' world t hen it isn't - t hat 's t he way we've done t hings since t ime immemorial. So what 's t his Niche Market ing t hing all about ? If you have ever t aken Market ing 101 t hen you'll have heard of t he old market ing adage : "Find a need and fill it " -t hat 's what "Niche Market ing" is all about . Finding a "focused" group of people, wit h a specialized int erest , eager t o buy (The Niche) and promot ing a suit able product or service t o all t hose int erest ed in buying it (Market ing). Let me give you a few examples of t hese Niches : Recipes Golf Fishing Healt h and Fit ness Travel Collect ibles Dat ing Dog Training Sat ellit e TV Beaut y Tips Ast rology Cat s Bart ending Alt ernat ive Healt h Hand-poured Candles Gourmet Foods Gambling Mort gages Credit Cards Music Jewellery ...... t he list just goes on and on and t hese are just t he main headings, t here are niches wit hin each of t hese niches ... Think of a subject and t here's likely a niche market for it ... But t he name of t he game is t o find a "t ight ly focused" niche. The reason for t his t hat if you t arget a general market t he compet it ion is fierce and it 's hard, if not impossible, for 18