How To Make Money Online How_To_Make_Money_Online | Page 20

* Locat e or develop suit able product s/services t o market * Set up a web sit e t o market t he product s/services * Est ablish a market ing syst em t hat works for you * Repeat t he process over and over again wit h a different niche each t ime. Imagine having a niche sit e producing one sale a day at say $20. That 's $7300 a year - how many sit es could you set up and run 10, 20 ....? But before you get t oo excit ed, I have a word of caut ion for you: Niche market ing is not a magic bullet . It isn't a mat t er of put t ing up a web sit e and t hen sit t ing back and wait ing for t he money t o roll in - "build it and t hey will come" may have worked for Kevin Cost ner in Field of Dreams, but it doesn't work t hat way on t he Int ernet - if you do t hat you'll be wait ing a long t ime. If you want a successful niche business, you have t o work at it just like any ot her business - if you're prepared t o put in t he effort t hough t he rewards can be significant . FREE Make Unlimit ed Aut opilot Cash HERE FREE A New Idea for Making Money Online Every Day HERE Get A Free Money Making Sales Funnel HERE 20