How to Make a Six-Figure Salary Selling Apps How to Make Money Selling Apps | Page 15

Step 4 : Sales

Face-to-Face Meetings If you ’ re not quite used to with face-to-face meetings , they can be every bit as intimidating as making that first phone call . But again , preparation and practice help .
If you haven ’ t already done some research on your potential client , and the industry they work in , now would be a perfect time . Some of the points you should address in your meeting include :
What an app could do for their business . What unique benefits are key to them . How an app could improve their bottom line . and the more you know about their business and industry , the more accurately you can state the above . Your research should also help you clarify this person ’ s role in the business . For very small businesses , you will likely be meeting with the owner , who also makes all the decisions . But for larger businesses , your first meeting might be with someone who is part of the decision making process . And how you present to a problem owner differs from how you would present to a budget owner . Yours is a product that is easier to sell through a demonstration , so always have a demo app ready when meeting with clients . If you are able to customize it to include their own logo , etc . so much better . Don ’ t be afraid to show them actual apps you have already launched , even if it is for their competitor . Your presentation should include all essential information while being as brief as possible . But be prepared to answer any questions the client has , even if they were already answered in the presentation .
Unless the client has already given a clear indication during the meeting , don ’ t be afraid to end the meeting by asking for their business .
AppInstitute | How to Make a Six-Figure Income Selling Apps Page 14