How to Coach Yourself and Others Influencing, Inter Personal and Leadership Skills | Page 50

5. Acceptance. "OK," you say, "I'm cautiously optimistic and will invest a little in the new situation and see how it goes." or Opt Out. It's perfectly normal to assess a new situation and decide "This isn't for me". 6. Mastery. If one accepts the new thing, then a new sense of optimism, patience, commitment, and productivity returns. Remember: These phases are not a Straight-Line evolution. The path isn’t linear! We're talking people. Individuals who, with individual constitutions and make-up, move along at different rates of speed. We all bounce around trying to make sense of things. When we finally accept that things actually are the way they are (reality), then we begin to work things through in a healthy, productive way. Management Action If we're managing people through a change, what does support really look like? When the personal/group emotions seem to be in Denial... Restate the change goal and the reasons for changing. Be positive but not an apologist. What people really need is to see things as they are. Your job is to be clear about reality. Don't make excuses, give honest context. Excuses are an excuse in and of themselves to disavow one's own responsibility in the effort.