How to Coach Yourself and Others Influencing, Inter Personal and Leadership Skills | Page 48

2. Asking for feedback during the process, accepting a wide range of responses to the change. 3. Listening to staff concerns and effectively and sincerely responding to staff feedback, needs and requests; providing staff what they need – both physical and mental, to support the change. 4. Maintaining change 1. Continually engaging those whose support of the process is critical. 2. Continued attention to communication and feedback 3. Providing what is needed 5. Change: understanding the emotional circle What do you do with what happens to you? And if you're managing, how do you bring other people through major changes productively? It always helps to have a model - especially a visual one - to make sense of what doesn't make sense at the moment. Let’s have a look at the stages of transition through which we all travel and the emotional responses associated with those. These apply to both personal and organizational changes. Why? Because organizational changes are always personal. Sometimes it's just plain comforting to know that what you are The challenge is: Understanding where you are, what you can't control, and identifying and acting on what you can control.