How to Coach Yourself and Others Happiness Is No Accident | Page 62
yourself enough to always have a high level of self-esteem, then you won't need to compare
yourself to others.
Winners believe in themselves. Losers believe in the world around them.
So now you know my secret to be able to predict the future.
All I need to know about a person is:
1- Who they hang around with,
2- What they do day-to-day,
3- The way they speak and what they say,
4- Whether or not they assume responsibility or assess blame,
5- Whether or not they have the resolve (the stick-to-it-tive-ness) to overcome obstacles,
6- If they have a plan to live by,
7- A passion for life and their plans,
8- A self-designed purpose to live for,
9- If they act intentionally or in reaction, and,
10- What their overall attitude is to life and their part in it.
Now that you know, you don't need me, or some gypsy tea leaf reader, to predict your future.
The GREAT good news is that, if you discover, through this self-analysis, that you do not have
these 10 necessary characteristics of winners, you can change the way you are and the things you
do. So there it is... your destiny is yours, by design or by default. It is up to you.
© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.
Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and
The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World
with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and
ad-free eZine at or
Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included.
Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.
Richard Gorham is the founder and President of Leadership-Tools, Inc. His web site, is dedicated to providing free tools and resources for today's
aspiring leaders. Offering high-quality tools in the areas of Business Planning, Leadership
Development, Customer Service, Sales Management and Team Building.