How to Coach Yourself and Others Happiness Is No Accident | Page 63
No surprise - winning traits are common among high achievers.
Are you tired of schlepping to the beat of someone else's drum? Does the idea of being your own
boss appeal to you?
Are you entrepreneur material?
There are ten common traits among winners and the most successful entrepreneurs.
Ten Winning Traites!
1. An Eye For Opportunity: Many entrepreneurs start by identifying a common need and using
some basic elbow grease and imagination to deliver a solution.
2. Independence: Even though most entrepreneurs know how to work within a framework for the
sake of profits, they enjoy being their own boss.
3. An Appetite For Hard Work: Most entrepreneurs start out working long, hard hours with little
pay. They are driven by their vision so "hard work" to them is also just a matter of doing what
they love and following their dream.
4. Self-Confidence: Entrepreneurs must demonstrate the winning trait of self-confidence in order
to cope with all the risks of operating their own business. They are empowered with the
knowledge that each barrier is placed in front of them for the purpose finding a way to knock it
down and move forward.
5. Discipline: Successful entrepreneurs resist the temptation to do what is unimportant or the
easiest but have the ability to think through to what is the most essential.
6. Judgment: Successful entrepreneurs have the ability to think quic