How to Coach Yourself and Others Happiness Is No Accident | Page 61
Ask yourself this question, "Why don't I have all the prosperity, happiness, success and fulfilment
that I desire?"
If you blame any condition, circumstance, event, person or external thing, then you are a loser.
Winners accept responsibility. Losers assess blame.
Step up to the plate and accept responsibility for your life and you will become the winner that you
desire to be in your secret heartfelt moments. The wonderful part about accepting responsibility for
your failures is that you also get to accept responsibility for your successes. You don't have to say
that you were lucky or blessed or had the right breaks... you can say, "I did this."
The words you speak and the way you speak them tell a lot about you. They tell the world what
you believe, what you think, where you have been, who you hang around with and where you are
likely to end up.
Below average people talk about other people; average people talk about events and
circumstances. above average people (winners) talk about ideas and ideals (especially their own).
Winners say what they mean and mean what they say. Losers say what they think will please
others or repeat what they have been told.
And yes, actions speak louder than words. The things you do are a reflection of your character.
Most people tend to do what most others do, in some sort of wilful ignorance of the plain fact that
most people live mediocre lives and never achieve the success they had idealized for themselves.
Actions produces results.
If you want uncommon results, you must undertake to act uncommonly on purpose, with intent,
with responsibility, with persistence, with resolve, with passion and according to your plan.
Do what you love. Do what you will.
Birds of a feather do flock together.
If you want to be a winner, hang out with winners. Create your own 'mastermind group'. Try to be
involved with people who are smarter than you, more successful than you, have greater aspirations
than you. If you can't do it in person, read their books or read their biographies or visit their
Losers like to hang around with other losers, not just because misery loves company, but because
their self-esteem is not threatened by comparison to their peers. If you can find the way to love