How to Coach Yourself and Others Happiness Is No Accident | Page 43
Another important ingredient to happiness is being in the moment. This is sometimes easier said
than done. It takes practice. It’s easy to get lost in the thoughts about the past regrets, past guilt, or
wishing things were right now they way they were then. At the same time, anxieties and fears
about the future is no way to live either. All you really have and can feel happy about is this
moment right now.
Recognize that happiness is a choice you make. It is not an end result. It is part of the process. You
don’t achieve happiness because of something. You simply are happy or you don’t. If you haven’t
felt happy in awhile, ask yourself, “What am I thinking about?” Be honest.
Accept others realities, even if it isn’t true for you. Recognize that it is their opinion. Having this
high level of acceptance will make a huge difference in your level of happiness. No one and
nothing else can choose how you feel.
Discipline yourself to be happy. Do something to lift your spirits each day. You have to raise your
own vibration.
A young man once came to meet me in Jerusalem. He had an unusually happy disposition, so I
asked him what's his secret. He told me:
"When I was 11 years old, I received a gift of happiness from God.
"I was riding my bicycle when a strong gust of wind blew me onto the ground into the path of an
oncoming truck. The truck ran over me and cut off my leg.
"As I lay there bleeding, I realized that I might have to live the rest of my life without a leg. How
depressing! But then I realized that being depressed won't get my leg back. So I decided right then
and there not to waste my life despairing.
"When my parents arrived at the hospital they were shocked and grieving. So I told them: 'I've
already adapted. Now you also have to get used to this.'
"Ever since then, I see my friends getting upset over little things: their bus came late, they got a
bad grade on a test, somebody insulted them. But I just enjoy life."
Sounds simple, doesn't it? So why are so many people unhappy?
At age 11, this young man attained the clarity that it is a waste of energy to focus on what you are
missing. And that the key to happiness is to take pleasure in what you have. Sounds simple, doesn't
it? So why are so many people unhappy?
Happiness Is A State Of Mind
Western society commonly perceives happiness as the outcome of what you achieve and acquire.
My whole life would improve if I had a new car...
I just need a better job and then I can relax and be happy.
If only I met the right girl...
You get the car and what happens? For a whole week you're walking on air. Then you go right
back to being unhappy. Sound familiar?