How to Coach Yourself and Others Happiness Is No Accident | Page 29
By: Aldian Prakoso
The Secret
The Secret is a film that was produced by Prime Time Productions. It is actually a series of films
that focus on the idea of “The Law Of Attraction”. The principle is that under the “Law of
Attraction” the things that people feel and think attract real things in life. It stems from the cosmos
to the personal relationships people form with people. The belief is that these things target
physical, emotional, and professional aspects of every person’s life, whether they understand it or
Ask : Know what you want and ask the universe for it.
This is where you need to get clear on what it is you want to create and visualize what you want as
being as 'real' as possible.
Believe : Feel and behave as if the object of your desire is on its way.
Focus your thoughts and your language on what it is you want to attract. You want to feel the
feeling of really 'knowing' that what you desire is on its way to you, even if you have to trick
yourself into believing it – do it.
Receive : Be open to receiving it.
Pay attention to your intuitive messages, synchronicities, signs from the Universe to help you
along the way as assurance you are on the 'right' path. As you align yourself with the Universe and
open yourself up to receiving, the very thing you are wanting to manifest will show up.
What is it you want in order to have a truly magnificent life?
What is it in your daily life that you could do, be, or have that would make a difference in the way
you experience life? What would take your life to the next level? What do you need (or want) to
experience life to the fullest?
We look at ourselves as human beings; but we are also human havings and human doings. What do
you want to have in your life to truly make it spectacular: True friends, a new relationship, great
health, passion? What do you want to do to make your life fun and exciting: Fly an airplane, run a
marathon, volunteer once a week at an animal shelter, write a book?
What would you like to be to make a difference in the world or to yourself, or your family and
friends: A great son, daughter, husband or wife? Would you like to be abundant, loving, forgiving?