How to Coach Yourself and Others Coaching Starts With Non Violent Communication | Page 5

“Judgments & violence are tragic expressions of unmet needs.” (Marshall Rosenberg) “To observe without evaluation is the highest form of human intelligence.” (J. Krishnamurti) Thinking & Language that Alienate Us from One Another Diagnoses, judgments, labels, analysis, criticism, comparisons, etc. Deserve thinking (i.e. that certain behaviors merit punishment or rewards) Demands (denial of other person’s choice; intention to punish those who don’t do it) Denial of choice or responsibility (had to, should, supposed to, they made me do it, etc.) Purpose of NVC To inspire compassionate, heartfelt connection so that all needs may be valued To connect to the life in ourselves and others To be inspired and to inspire others to give from the heart Background of NVC Developed by Marshall Rosenberg during the Civil Rights era; influenced by Carl Rogers Center for Nonviolent Communication: web:, email: [email protected], phone: 1-818-957-9393 What NVC is not … NVC is not about being nice; it's about being real. It's not about stifling intensity, but transforming it. NVC is not about changing other people or getting them to do what we want. It's about creating connection & understanding. NVC is not a technique or formula. It's a process that helps guide our consciousness to a new awareness.