How to Coach Yourself and Others Beware of Manipulation | Page 42
(17) Self-proclaimed martyrdom
Usually follows withdrawal or false remorse when the practitioner realizes others are not fooled by
their insincerity. Withdrawal or self-proclaimed martyrdom is tacit admission of failure to successfully
dominate others.
(18) Instigation of difficult, uncomfortable or costly activities for others, which may or may not benefit
the practitioner.
This is their last desperate effort to control others after having been exposed as two-faced hypocrites,
gossips and liars. They will eventually resort to their old, more satisfying, tactics in an attempt to force
others to depend upon them. This dominating technique, however, may be used at any time by them to
control situations, circumstances and social environments.
(19) You may also notice one or more of the following com munication techniques.
(1) State the obvious
(2) Make a mountain out of a molehill
(3) Play “can you top this”
(4) Promise beyond their delivery capability
(5) Stampede into action before all the facts are in
(6) Edit the facts to dramatize their point
(7) Keep in constant motion, unconcerned about direction
(8) State the opposite of the facts, because all else failed.
Under no circumstances respond directly to their overtures. Do not address the issues they raise. You
must respond by stating that they have no responsibility or authority to make such a statement to you,
and that they are out of order.
If your relationship with them has not been that close in the past, you may add that because of their
present improper social behavior and breach of etiquette, your mutual relationship certainly won’t be
close in the future.
Source: Steve Morris -