Mythology - Our Constellation Stories
Alan, Sara, and Zeus found this little cave. The cave had this remote control made out of rock. It controls the front of the cave. They closed the cave with the remote made out of rock so that the wasp wouldn’t come in. After, they gently put the remote on the floor so that it wouldn’t break. So then they were just walking and then they see this furry thing,and then Alan said,”What was that?” and Sara and Zeus said,“I have no idea” said,Sara and Zeus. Then they just start walking to find some food or water; so start walking and then Alan,Sara,and Zeus said at the same time, “What was that?” because they heard something like this “Ror Ror Ror”but in a quiet voice.They as you can snap your fingers Alan knew to run.Then Alan says “Run!!!” because Alan knew that it was a tiger. Anyways where were we oh. then Alan,Sara,and Zeus was running from the tiger and then Alan said, “Turn!!!” and then they turned and Juked the tiger out.They were so tired they felt like they were going to pass out or throw up.So they found this little little tunnel with a little light and it was dark.So then they went in the tunnel and it was out side and it was dark.So then Alan said to Zeus “now where do we go” and then Sara and Alan looked back and Zeus wasn’t there.So then they rememberd that when it was 6:00/7:00 the star constellations will guiding them.
The Star constellations let Alan and Sara to them to Hawii but they first had to get geared up,so the star constellations first gave Alan and Sara a new make over to make them look professional.So first the star constellations gave Sara and Alan wing sandles Alan’s were blue Sara’s were pink as always anyways they also had on stuff you would wear to the beach.Alan got green swing trunks and a yellow shirt,sara had on swim shorts for girls that was purple and a bikini shirt.they looked so professional you would not belive it.Anyways they were all suit up and ready to go to the beach oh by the way,The beach is 7 to 8 miles oh and yah it was night.So the star constellations led them to a pom tree and Alan says “Why are we here?” and the star constellations said “ just press the tree”and then the tree opened and and the star constellations said “go in they tree and by the way I need my gear back and I will give you guys back your stuff.”
Then after they gave the star constellations back there stuff there was this button that said, “Please press so Alan said, “Lets press it!”so they pressed and Alan and Sara were back to their houses and they lived happily ever after. Ps:Zeus put Alan and Sara’s constellations in the stars.