How do Stars Influence Civilizations? June 2013 | Page 13

Mythology - Our Constellation Stories


The Splash

By: Vannia

Once there was a 2 year old boy that lived with his mom and dad. One day the kid and the dad went in a camp. The camp had a lot of fun activities. One of the activities they had the game water balloon toss. When they were playing the kid though the balloon so high that it went to space.

When the water in the balloon was in the sky the balloon popped. When that happened the water came out. In space you could see the big splash. Each spell made a star.

When the kid and the dad look up they were shocked of what happen. The kid and the kids dad look up they could see the splash. Then they told the man that that was taking care of the camp that the water balloon went to space and he said “ what in the world happened “.Then the the person that was in charge said to the kid and the dad “ sorry you both can’t play no more”.

Then the little boy started to cry because you know all of the 2 year old kids are

always cry babies. So the kid went crying home because he did NOT get to play again. So the dad was so anode of his kid crying ,the dad said “ ok iif you STOP crying I will give milk” so the kid did.

When they came back from camp had a story to tell to the kid’s mommy. When they were done telling the sorry the loving family went outside and saw the splash.

Nyan Cat

By: Jay

One day I look up at the stars and I sall nyan cat went flying into space and I see him on the moon and he turns the.

Moon into a rainbow and the stars turned into a black hole and sucked up nyan cat the nyan cat was flying into another dimension. When he went in the other dimension.

He found other nyan cats then he lived in the dimension forever and lived with his new friends.

Nyan Cat

By: Jay