Mythology - Our Constellation Stories
By: Dorrian
Imagine you're a little boy or girl; you are playing a game with your friend and then Boom you're in the game.
At home...
There was a boy named Alan who had a dad and a mom. (The dad owns a shoe store, and the mom advertises the shoes.) One day the parents were going to a meeting for the dad’s job. Then Alan was by himself looking for something to entertain him,so then he finds this board game and on the cover says Mithanji. Then Alan “gasped” because there was this sound that sounded like, “Boom Boom Boom Boom.”then the Alan whispered to himself and said,”It sounds like loud footsteps.”Then someone was knocking on the door,and the boy opened the door and there was a girl,and the boy knew the girl and then the boy asked,”Sara?” then then Sara replied,”Alan?”then both of them just looked at each other and it was very awkward.
Then Alan said, “Would you like to come in?”and the girl said, “Sure” with excitement. So then they played this game and it was the Mithanji game. The boy was excited that the girl came because he wouldn’t want to play by his self. So as soon as they played the game it led him to a mysterious jungle. Alan and Sara saw this ghost and it introduced itself and said, “My name is Zeus and I will be guiding you in the day and the star constellations will be guiding around 6:00 or 7:00.
Alan was shocked! And then he said, “One question! Are you God or one of God’s angels?” “No silly. I’m just a ghost. The game sent me here to guide you. I think I told you that.” “Wait!”, said Alan. “Me and Sara are in the game? That’s crazy!” “But I have one more question,” Alan said. “Why would you want to guide me and Sara?” “Because this jungle is dangerous and you won’t know what to expect.” Then Zeus said, “Shh. I hear something. It sounds like a branch is cracking.” No that’s not cracking. That sounds like, “Buzz buzz.” Wasps! But wait. That’s only one wasp. “It can’t hurt us” said, Alan. If one wasp came out how many more are going to come out Alan? “Maybe 1,000 more” said, Sara in a frightened voice. Ahh!
BY: Evan