How do Stars Influence Civilizations? June 2013 | Page 10

Mythology - Our Constellation Stories


The Kingdom of Creepers

Good vs evil.

By: Evan

Once there was a world. It was called Minecraft. In this world were these peaceful things called Creepers. Now,there is one creeper in particular that this story is about. The world minecraft was like our world but with one major difference. It was made of cubes. Right now you might be thinking how can creepers live on this blocky planet?

This world was no different. It has deserts, forests, oceans, islands and all the stuff that makes our world unique.

The First Fatality and The Shock it Brought to the Creepers.

This creeper was the king of minecraft. He was king not because of his father but he had to complete twelve good things for minecraft and the hardest was to care for a dying creeper. Because he did those twelve good things the other creepers worshipped him. One day the king was walking around his kingdom he found a creeper with a sword in him. The king ran to the armory because he assumed it had been taken from there and found the door was blasted off its hinges and a sword was missing so someone had stolen a sword (his assumption was right) and also a bow was gone. Never has anyone even thought to steal weapons and use them on a fellow creeper. It made the king ashamed to have something stolen from him.

The Murderer’s Bounty.

Now, this was strange. Why would someone break into the armory and take a sword and bow? The next day the king was taking a walk and was carrying his sword (for safety) and he heard the twang of a bowstring being fired and he turned around and saw the arrow and instinctively blocked the arrow with his sword and then he threw his sword. Now, the king’s sword was a special sword and could be thrown like a boomerang and would come back to the owner. So he threw it and it almost hit herobrine (AKA the killer) and while the sword was still spinning in the air, herobrine shot his last arrow and hit the king in the head.

The Final Destruction of The Peaceful Creepers Kingdom.

Herobrine let out an evil laugh and shouted; “The king is dead. You shall all bow down to me, the killer of the king”. But all of the creepers shouted “we shall avenge our fallen king” and at that moment; the king’s constellation could be seen in the sky and the stars spelled out “kill herobrine. I shall not be at peace until he is killed” so the war between them is still ravaging, but despite the harshness and the losses it will only end when the world minecraft is destroyed. This is why when you are playing minecraft creepers blow up to try to kill you because they think you might be herobrine.

The end.

There will be no more creeper kings in minecraft ever again. That was the last king they ever will know. The reign of the creepers is over. Their golden age is gone. Forever.