Housing Handbook Collin College Resident Handbook05-08-2020 | Page 44

Section 3: Missing Student Notification Missing Person Contacts Collin College students living in Collin College Student Housing may register one (1) or more individuals to be a missing person contact(s). If it is determined by the Collin College Police Department or a local law enforcement agency that the student is missing, the student’s missing person contact(s) will be notified by Collin College within 24 hours of the determination. Students’ missing person contact information will be registered confidentially and accessible only to authorized Collin College officials. Additionally, this contact information will not be disclosed, except to law enforcement personnel who are authorized to access it during a missing person investigation. Missing Student Contact Information Form The director of student housing operations or designee distributes the Missing Student Contact Information Form to all student residents annually and upon signing the Collin College Student Housing Lease Agreement when new students move into Collin College Student Housing mid-year. Contact the director of student housing operations or designee at 972.881.5151 or [email protected] to obtain the Missing Student Contact Information Form and register a missing person contact(s). The Missing Student Contact Information Form is also located in Appendix A and on Collin College’s website at www.collin.edu/studentresources/deanofstudent s/forms/Missing%20Student%20Contact%20Info rmation%20Form.pdf. Students’ completed Missing Student Contact Information Forms are kept in the Dean of Students Office (DOS) at the Collin Higher Education Center (CHEC). Once a student has completed the entire form, he or she should place it in an envelope, seal the envelope, and type or print his or her full name and College Wide ID (CWID) number on the front of the envelope. The student should then return the 2019-2020 Collin College Resident Handbook sealed envelope containing the completed form to the Collin College Dean of Students Office (DOS) in person at any of the following campus locations: 1. 2. 3. 4. Collin Higher Education Center (CHEC), Room 457, Frisco Campus, Room F-127, McKinney Campus, Room B-336, or Plano Campus, Room D-128. Missing Student Notification Procedures Any individual who believes a student living in Collin College Student Housing has been missing for 24 hours should contact at least one (1) of the following organizations: 1. 2. 3. 4. Collin College Police Department at 972.578.5555, Plano Police Department at 911 or 972.424.5678, director of student housing operations or designee at 972.881.5151, and/or Collin College Dean of Students Office (DOS) at 972.881.5604. Any missing person report regarding a Collin College student that is received by the director of student housing operations or designee, Collin College Dean of Students Office (DOS), or any other Collin College employee must be immediately forwarded to the Collin College Police Department. A student is determined to be missing when his or her whereabouts are unknown and unexplainable for a period of time that is regarded by knowledgeable parties as highly unusual or suspicious given consideration of the student’s behavior patterns, plans, and routines. All concerns regarding a Collin College Student Housing resident student’s unexplained absence or lack of contact that is contrary to the student’s normal behavior or is unusual based on existing circumstances will be immediately investigated in Page 35