Housing Handbook Collin College Resident Handbook05-08-2020 | Page 43
apartments, in alignment with current Collin
College policy.
All firearms and ammunition must be
stored in an appropriate safe provided by
the License to Carry (LTC) holder. Collin
College and Collin College Student Housing
do not provide safes or other storage for
firearms and ammunition.
The location of the safe must be inside the
apartment and under the LTC holder’s
control, not in any public space.
The safe must be physically secured to a
stationary object inside the apartment
with a cable lock provided by the LTC
The safe must be large enough to fully
contain all firearms and ammunition
placed in it and provide for secure storage.
The safe must have exterior walls
constructed of a minimum 16-gauge steel.
The safe must have a “high-strength”
locking system consisting of a mechanical
or electronic combination or biometric
lock. Key locks are not allowed.
Knife Specifications
Commonly acceptable knives include folding blade
knives, police or fire rescue knives, and Swiss Army
knives provided the blade is no longer than 5 ½
2019-2020 Collin College Resident Handbook
inches in length. “Location-restricted,” and,
therefore, unacceptable knives include, but are not
limited to, Bowie knives, butterfly knives, daggers,
double-edged knives, switchblades, and throwing
Collin County is no stranger to severe weather. The
severe weather season typically runs from March
through July, but it can occur at any time
throughout the year. Severe weather can include
tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, high winds, hail,
and flooding. Collin College officials will keep the
campus community updated with important
information during a severe weather emergency.
See the “CougarAlert” section in this handbook for
more information.
Welfare Check
A welfare check may be performed by the Collin
College Police Department in conjunction with the
director of student housing operations or designee
if there is cause for concern for the welfare of a
student resident. To report a concern or request a
welfare check, contact the Collin College Police
Department at 972.578.5555.
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