Housing Handbook Collin College Resident Handbook05-08-2020 | Page 42
Other Weapons
All other weapons are strictly prohibited for
students, staff, faculty, and visitors on Collin
College property or at any Collin College-
sponsored or -related activity, including, but not
limited to, long guns, location-restricted knives,
brass knuckles, clubs, explosives, fireworks of any
kind, incendiary devices, instruments designed to
expel a projectile with the use of pressurized air,
such as a BB gun, martial arts throwing stars, or any
weapons described in Board policy CHF (LEGAL).
An exception is authorized for the limited purpose
of honor guards who carry ceremonial swords at a
Collin College-sponsored event (e.g., Military Ball).
The possession or use of articles not generally
considered to be weapons may be prohibited when
the College District president or designee
determines that a danger exists for any student,
Collin College employee, or Collin College property
by virtue of possession or use.
Possession of other weapons on Collin College
campuses is grounds for immediate disciplinary
action and possible prosecution for violations of
state law.
Exclusion Zones
Possession of a handgun is prohibited on Collin
College campuses in the following locations by any
person except law enforcement officers licensed by
a state of the United States or a federal agency:
child care facilities;
polling locations;
in the room or rooms where a meeting of a
governmental entity is held, and if the
meeting is an open meeting subject to
Chapter 551, Government Code, and notice
as required by that chapter is provided;
high-hazard laboratories and health
science education facilities where the
presence of high-hazard materials or
operations creates a significant risk of
catastrophic harm due to a negligent
designated meeting room(s) at each
campus in Student and Enrollment
2019-2020 Collin College Resident Handbook
Services that can be used, as needed, for
disciplinary meetings or counseling
facilities where professional, high school,
college sporting, or interscholastic events
are in progress;
locker and dressing rooms where
individuals change clothes, including
those at athletic, theatre, and health
science education facilities; and
any location or facility of Collin College, as
directed or approved by the College
District president as necessary for campus
safety, where effective notice on a
temporary basis pursuant to Sections
30.06 and 30.07, Texas Penal Code, has
been given by the required signage. An
example might include a Collin College
facility where alcohol is being served for a
special event.
These locations will be appropriately identified by
signage as specified under Sections 30.06 and 30.07
of the Texas Penal Code. A violation of these specific
prohibitions is considered an offense under Section
46.035 (a-3), Texas Penal Code.
Violations of this policy should be reported
immediately to the Collin College Police
Department at 972.578.5555. Such violations may
result in disciplinary action by Collin College up to
and including criminal prosecution for violation of
the Texas Penal Code.
Employees and students found to be in violation of
this policy will be subject to disciplinary action. For
more information, see the current Student Code of
Conduct as well as Board policies DH (LOCAL), FM
(LOCAL), and FMA (LOCAL) located at
Requirements for Storage of a Firearm in Collin
College Student Housing
The following are listed requirements for storage
of a firearm in Collin College Student Housing
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