Housing Handbook Collin College Resident Handbook05-08-2020 | Page 41

Firearms Collin College prohibits the use, possession, or display of a firearm on Collin College property or at a Collin College- sponsored or -related activity in violation of the law or Collin College policies and procedures, unless written authorization is granted in advance by the College District president or designee. Procedures After consulting with students, staff, and faculty of Collin College regarding the nature of the student population, specific safety considerations, and the uniqueness of Collin College, the College District president has established the following rules regarding the carrying of concealed handguns by license holders on the campuses of Collin College: 1. 2. 3. 4. Only individuals with a valid License to Carry a Handgun (LTC) issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety under Texas Government Code, Chapter 411, Subchapter H, as well as licenses* from other states, the validity of which are recognized by the State of Texas, may carry a concealed handgun on or about his or her person on the property of Collin College. *Licenses are collectively referred to as LTC herein. Collin College prohibits the use, possession, or display of any illegal knife, club, or prohibited weapons, as defined by the Texas Penal Code and described in Board policy CHF (LEGAL), on Collin College property or at a Collin College- sponsored or -related activity, unless written authorization is granted in advance by the College District president or designee. While on Collin College campuses it is the responsibility of the holder of the LTC to conceal the handgun so that it is not partially or wholly visible to another person. While on a Collin College campus, an LTC holder who is in possession of a handgun must keep that handgun on or about his or 2019-2020 Collin College Resident Handbook her person or in a locked vehicle, as permitted by law. 5. Handguns may not be stored overnight on Collin College campuses, unless in a locked, privately owned or leased motor vehicle. 6. Possession of a handgun on Collin College property while intoxicated, under the influence of illegal drugs, or while taking prescription drugs that impair judgment or physical abilities is prohibited. 7. This policy applies to persons traveling in Collin College-owned vehicles. However, the policies of the owner of the vehicle apply when private or commercial transportation is used for Collin College travel. 8. Individuals who do not possess a valid LTC are prohibited from possessing a handgun on Collin College campuses. 9. This policy applies to all students, staff, faculty, and visitors of Collin College, except for law enforcement officers licensed by a state of the United States or a federal agency and School Marshals licensed by the State of Texas and appointed by the Collin College Board of Trustees. 10. Open carry of a handgun on a campus of Collin College is restricted to law enforcement officers licensed by a state of the United States or a federal agency. 11. Students and employees of Collin College, with the exception of police officers employed by Collin College, will not inquire as to whether any person is carrying a concealed weapon or possesses an LTC. 12. The storage or transportation of a firearm or ammunition is allowed by Collin College students, faculty, staff, and employees if the individual is authorized to such possession in a locked, privately owned or leased motor vehicle on those specific premises allowed by law and described in Board policy CHF (LEGAL). Page 32