Housing Handbook Collin College Resident Handbook05-08-2020 | Page 45
an effort to locate the student and confirm his or
her safety.
Collin College will notify the local law enforcement
agency that has jurisdiction in the area within 24
hours of the determination that a student is
missing, unless the local law enforcement agency
was the entity that made the determination.
Additionally, Collin College must notify a custodial
parent or guardian within 24 hours of the
determination that a student who is under 18 years
of age and not emancipated is missing, in addition
to notifying any additional contact person(s)
designated by the student.
The following procedures will be utilized when the
Collin College Police Department is notified of a
missing student who resides in Collin College
Student Housing:
The Collin College Police Department
officer on duty will respond to the location.
The responding Collin College Police
Department officer will initiate an
reporting party, and will obtain as much
information as possible about the
reported missing student (e.g., last date
and time seen; place of employment;
places where the student normally hangs
out; make, model, and year of vehicle
student drives; student’s hometown; etc.).
The responding Collin College Police
Department officer will notify Collin
College Student Housing management, the
Collin College Police Department chain of
2019-2020 Collin College Resident Handbook
command (i.e., sergeants, lieutenants, and
chief of police), and the Dean of Students
Office (DOS).
A DOS staff member will check the Banner
Student Information System to obtain the
student’s current class schedule, and will
then contact each of the student’s
professors to find out whether the student
has been attending classes or has
contacted them.
The responding Collin College Police
Department officer will conduct a check of
the local hospitals to ascertain whether
the student has been admitted as a patient.
The responding Collin College Police
Department officer will obtain the
student’s emergency contact information
on file with DOS, if the student chose to
register this information.
Within 24 hours of the Collin College
Police Department’s determination that a
resident student who is the subject of a
missing person report has been missing
for more than 24 hours and has not
returned to Collin College Student Housing
or a Collin College campus, the Collin
College Police Department will contact:
a. the person(s) identified confidentially
by the student as a designated missing
person contact(s);
b. the custodial parent or guardian and
any other designated missing person
contact(s) of a student under 18 years
of age who is not emancipated; and
c. the local county or municipal law
enforcement agency with concurrent
jurisdiction in the area.
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