Housing Handbook Collin College Resident Handbook05-08-2020 | Page 37
violation, student residents may attempt to stop
the violation, contact the director of student
housing operations or designee, and/or
immediately remove themselves from the situation
and vicinity of the violation. Student residents
present at the scene of a rule violation, will be
included in the documentation of the incident and
may also be held accountable for applicable rule
violation(s). Concealment of information is also
considered a rule violation.
Student residents should accept ownership of, and
take responsibility for, resolving conflicts and
problems that arise in the community. In the event
a conflict arises that cannot be resolved, student
residents should contact the director of student
housing operations or designee.
Reporting a Violation of the Student Code of
To report an alleged Student Code of Conduct
violation, contact the Dean of Students Office at
972.881.5604 or [email protected], or complete the
Student Incident Report Form online at
Roofs and Ledges
All building roofs, ledges, and ladders are off limits
at all times. Do not climb, sit, or stand on any
building roofs or ledges. If a student resident is
found on the roof, ledge, or ladder of any Collin
College Student Housing facility, he or she will be
referred to the Dean of Students Office for
appropriate disciplinary action, in accordance with
the current Student Code of Conduct.
Roommate Agreement
All student residents are required to complete a
roommate agreement with the director of student
housing operations or designee. Roommate
agreements are put in place to assist student
residents with living in a community environment.
Roommate agreements encompass things such as
temperature in the units, cleaning responsibilities,
2019-2020 Collin College Resident Handbook
conflict resolution, and any other items roommates
would like addressed.
In the event of a roommate dispute or conflict, the
director of student housing operations or designee
reserves the right to revisit the current roommate
agreement or complete a new one.
Campus safety and security is a shared
responsibility. Student residents can protect
themselves, the community, and their property by
taking steps to decrease their exposure to risk.
Student residents should be aware of their physical
surroundings and the people around them at all
times. Travel with friends at night or use the Collin
College Police Department’s walking escort
services. Keep doors and windows locked, even
when inside. Trust your instincts and use common
sense to help keep you safe and deter an attacker.
Remember, a crime cannot occur if the opportunity
for crime is not present!
The Collin College Student Housing community is
patrolled by the Collin College Police Department;
however, no police department can function
effectively without the collaborative assistance of
the community it serves. If there is an immediate
physical or medical emergency, call 9-1-1.
Attempting to locate a police vehicle on patrol or
calling the Resident Life Office will delay response
Collin College Student Housing cannot guarantee or
assure your personal safety and security while
residing on campus. It is each student resident’s
responsibility to report acts of mischief or criminal
activity in the community to the Collin College
Police Department immediately. The provision of
safety devices, locks, and Collin College Police
Department services does not constitute a
guarantee of their effectiveness. Student residents
should exercise caution at all times when on
campus and around their housing units.
Security Phone Numbers and Websites
Emergencies: 9-1-1
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