Housing Handbook Collin College Resident Handbook05-08-2020 | Page 36
Relocation of a Student Resident
The director of student housing operations or
designee reserves the right to relocate a student
resident to another room or apartment within
Collin College Student Housing. Possible reasons
for relocation include, but are not limited to, safety
and security concerns, disciplinary action,
expulsion, consolidation, or availability. In the
event the room or apartment assigned to the
student resident is not ready for occupancy at the
beginning of his or her Collin College Student
Housing Lease Agreement term, the director of
student housing operations or designee may assign
the student resident to another room or apartment
in Collin College Student Housing.
Relocation may be required at any point during the
semester in order to accommodate students
remaining on the wait list. At the end of the spring
semester, student residents staying through the
summer who are transferring to another
apartment will be required to relocate until their
permanent summer or fall placement is available.
Renter’s Insurance
Student residents are responsible for obtaining
renter’s insurance to protect their personal
belongings and to protect themselves against any
damages to or loss of property in the community as
a result of failure to abide by the policies and
procedures contained in the Collin College Student
Housing Lease Agreement and this Resident Life
Handbook, or by circumstances beyond human
control. Student residents understand the
insurance in place for Collin College Student
Housing does not provide coverage for their
personal belongings or damages. If student
residents or their guests suffer a loss due to fire,
flood, vandalism, theft, or other manner of action,
or if there is damage to any part of the community,
that loss will not be covered by Collin College
Student Housing’s insurance. In general, renter’s
insurance is not expensive, and it can provide
substantial protection and peace of mind.
2019-2020 Collin College Resident Handbook
Reporting a Crime or Emergency to the
Collin College Police Department
To report a crime or an emergency on a Collin
College campus, dial extension 5555 from any
Collin College phone or dial 972.578.5555 from
any phone outside the Collin College system. In a
medical emergency, dial 911, and then dial
extension 5555 or 972.578.5555.
Collin College Police Department officers are
available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to answer
calls. If assistance is required from another police
department, Collin College Police Department
officers will contact the appropriate agency. If a
sexual assault should occur, responding officers
will inform the victim of the support services
If a fire occurs in a Collin College building, the
individual who discovers it should immediately
notify the Collin College Police Department at
972.578.5555 or dial 911. The Collin College
Police Department will initiate a response, and can
summon the local fire department quickly through
their communication links, if necessary. If a
member of the Collin College community finds
evidence of a fire that has been extinguished and is
unsure whether the Collin College Police
Department has already responded, he or she
should immediately notify the Collin College Police
Department so an officer can investigate and
document the incident.
For any non-emergency complaint or concern, the
Collin College Police Department can be contacted
via email at [email protected].
Reporting a Violation of Resident Life
Policies and Procedures
Everyone in Collin College Student Housing has the
responsibility of maintaining the safety and
wellbeing of the community, maintaining the
condition of the facilities, and taking initiative and
action when there is a violation of community
standards. Student residents are responsible for
the choices they make. In the presence of a rule
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