Growing your people
ROBERT ALLEY, COO at Roomzzz Aparthotels, details how growing your people and your talent
strategy is the best way to spend your time and keep one step ahead of the competition around you
he soul and lifeblood of our hotels days of City and Guilds at the top of a job don’t know much about what the new
is not in the cool design or the profile may have been replaced by a list of world might look like, but the government
latest technology that smooths character traits and genuine attitudes which has been at pains to try and tell people
align with your brand and service style. already here that they’re still valued in
the way, but in the teams that bring the
hotels to life. The colleagues who put the
Recruitment has certainly evolved
the UK. They’ve also been keen to sell the
‘H’ into hospitality and the ‘S’ into service. from old fashioned, standard CV UK as a progressive place where jobs will
It’s the people that represent us every day interviews to complex capability tests, still be available, and we still want people
that put a twinkle in the eye and a smile behavioural investigations and personality to come who are looking for opportunity…
on the face of every guest. Your approach questionnaires. However, despite all the The reality is that potential team
to recruitment, retention, training and recruitment tools available these days, one members have been looking elsewhere
development is a crucial piece of a good thing is for sure, if you don’t really know for opportunities and, if the media is to be
business, the key to a great reputation what you want, you’re almost certainly believed, there are many looking for their
and a safe pair of hands for your hotel going to get it wrong. Or you rely on a huge future outside the UK.
every day. amount of luck to find a superstar who may
It’s been clear to me that our people
be just what you’re looking for and hiding strategy is the single most important
it happen, front line or back of house. If you in plain sight because your recruitment consideration for the future. Whatever
don’t have a solid strategy for nurturing process doesn’t reach the essence of the the upcoming political or supplier hurdles
your team, then you definitely risk your role or the brand. we face, we will overcome them. It’s the
You can’t neglect the people that make
preservation of a people and experience-
future success. This is made even more The reality of recruitment today means important in these uncertain times with that where you look for new talent and how driven hospitality business that we must
political unrest, a changing employment you sell your available roles are far more solve and that means recruitment, retention
pool and shifting attitudes to work and critical than ever before to your likelihood and development for a precious team that
social balance. It’s very clear that finding of success. You have to go further to build can stand the test of time.
good people is getting harder. Migration has your employer story, to present a complete played a large part in the talent we attract employment picture which will appeal in into strengthening our people platform.
into our industry over recent years. That a complex and transparent employment We’ve put more thought behind the way
body of people looking for opportunities in market. How are you going to stand out on we’re organised and recruit the people
hospitality has changed and will continue to the recruitment websites? What are you we need. We’ve enhanced the central
change as we navigate the unknown world going to do and say to get noticed? Your resources that back up the hotel teams
outside the EU. Despite the fact that the own website and the many various social and drive consistency and value across the
UK’s job market is evolving and becoming media channels are now just as important wider team. We’ve developed a far stronger
more competitive, the challenge still remains as a shop window for new team members in training and development culture with a new
to recruit the best people we can find to the future. apprentice programme to encourage future
grow and be successful.
So what do you need to be successful?
Ever since the decision was made by
referendum almost three years ago to
At Roomzzz, we’ve put huge efforts
talent from school leaving age.
We’ve identified high performing
More importantly, who do you want to help leave the EU, companies like Roomzzz individuals to get supervisory and
make you successful? Team structures have been scratching their heads trying leadership qualifications which benefit them
might be straightforward, but you have to to decode the political process and the as individuals, as well as us, with highly
be clear what makes those roles work and mass of media speculation to isolate engaged individuals providing strength in
what types of people you’re going to find. the best way to protect, preserve and depth. We’ve gone further with reward and
It’s not always about qualifications, however, develop business in the future new world. recognition to ensure that all team members
it’s very often about personality. The Of course, at the time of writing, we still have a vested interest in the company’s
May 2019