performance and that they’re rewarded for be the best place to spend your time and more security and spacious enough for
their contributions and success. keep one step ahead of the competition you to be yourself. In a nutshell, spacious
around you. city centre aparthotels designed to make
This may not be new to you, and maybe
you feel at home. Roomzzz has nine
it’s obvious, but don’t miss the opportunity
to remind your team what you’re doing and About Roomzzz aparthotels within its portfolio in major
tell your future candidates that you do care Roomzzz is not a hotel, it’s not a flat but cities such as Manchester, Leeds, London,
and how much your people count in your instead it’s smack bang in the middle Chester and Nottingham. The brand
organisation. You can’t take anything for of them both. If you imagine a boutique has ambitious growth plans in 2019 with
granted these days, however, growing your hotel, but without the boxy room, and further developments in the pipeline for
people and your talent strategy seems to combine it with an apartment, but with Edinburgh, Harrogate and York.
May 2019