Honors College Art & Science of Emotions Fall 2017 (1:20 p.m.) Love Journal | Page 7
want to marry and it might be due to outside forces more than the actual person sitting in front of them. It is important that when you are
falling in love with someone, your hormones remain at somewhat reasonable levels. Even in normal relationships, the relationship has the Hon-
eymoon Effect and then tapers off significantly from that point. In cases where two people decide to get married on a TV show, that Honey
Moon effect is exponentially higher, which means the fall is also exponentially higher. There is a baseline for physiological molecules and if
you are only happy when you are doing things that significantly elevate these factors, it might not make for the best situation. Even though a
lot of this information is discouraging, it might not be as bleak as it seems.
Kristina Wasa said “Personally, I believe infallibly that everyone who marries will regret doing so, but I do not see why anyone
who is unmarried will regret it” (‘Kristina Wasa’, P.10) Wasa is clearly opposed to marriage since she believes we are going to be miserable
either way, so it would be better to be less miserable by being single.This doesn’t necessarily mean we should abandon the institution