Honors College Art & Science of Emotions Fall 2017 (1:20 p.m.) Love Journal | Page 24

Results from the First Poll showed that only 1% of people felt they had neglectful parents but still had high self-esteem. Overall in the first poll this was only 18% of people who said they had neglectful parents. 29% of people who reported loving parents also reported low self-esteem. Accounting for error this is pretty accurate to my hypothesis. Results from the second poll showed that 7% of people felt they had neglectful parents but still had high self-esteem. Overall in the second poll 44% of people with neglect- ful parents reported high self-esteem. An error must have taken place because based on previous research this should not have happened. Neglectful parents cause low self- esteem. Additionally, 15% of people with loving parents reported low self-esteem. Overall results showed that loving parents have a positive impact on self-esteem in children. Additionally, that neglectful parents have a negative impact on children, however my results did not show this trend as greatly as I wanted. I will assume it is due to the errors that could have occurred. 70% of people with neglectful parents reported low self-esteem. 24