presence , the pills wear their orange containers to draw in the attention of viewers .
While use medically is usually warranted , overuse of prescription drugs could have dangerous societal effects . Unnecessary changes to neurotransmitter levels for those that do not need medication could ultimately impair the ability to experience emotions . Without an ability to engage with our emotions and form deeper connections to the world around us , isolation could lead to feelings of anxiety and anguish . Interestingly , technology furthers such feelings of solitude . Facebook may allow us to connect with people that you don ' t see day to day , but also prevents conversation and connection to those closeby . Failing to feel close to one another elicits similar feelings of anguish . When face to face , tears and other nonverbal gestures act as social cues to alert others to our emotions . The expected response to such cues is one of empathy and emotional connection . However , iPhone emoji ’ s don ’ t quite depict these gestures quite as clearly as a conversation .