Volume 5
JULY 2014
teased Hongki throughout the
show with the piggy back rides,
hiding umeboshi in the rice and
his sensitivy regarding his height.
Hong Ki commented that her
outer appearance of elegance
and refinement didn’t match her
persona; she was ditzy.
“what number girlfriend am I” at
the bowing alley.
It’s also interesting to see how they
mirror each other’s mannerism.
In their first meeting, they both
turn their head away, giggle, and
hid their faces in their shyness.
During the photo shoot, when
In spite of Hong Ki’s flamboyant they got nervous, they would take
style, they are both introverts, a deep breath and then focus
reflective people with strong on the task at hand. And when
emotional depth who expresses they become embarrassed, they
themselves better through their would walk away to recover their
writings. Mina has a movie composure.
critic column and she always
Their commitment to their
personalizes her review with
career is unwavering. They are
her own personal experiences.
constantly striving to improve and
HongKi does the same with the
expand their craft. Mina with her
lyrics in his music.
Korean classes to improve her
Due to their strong emotional depth, pronunciation while Hongki is
they are cautious with matters of seeking to become a rock singer,
the heart and continuously seek and recently created a fashion
affirmation of the others feelings. product line.
HongKi with his direct approach
Privacy is something they both
asked Mina on how he rated,
guard with extreme care. There
will it be forever when the show
is very little personal information
ends, and did she really enjoyed
on Mina and you rarely find or see
having him as husband when
any news or pictures of her unless
they were apart. Mina, in turn
its job related. She chooses to
indirectly sought affirmation from
live under the radar away from the
Hong Ki at Namsam Tower with
public eye. Hong Star, the idol is
the lock; “you open up my heart
highly visible but not Hongki, the
don’t forget It and the question
private man. He have publicly