Volume 5
stated that he value his personal the differences will compliment
privacy and it is not to be shared each other and Mina said it will give
with the public.
them an opportunity to discover
new things.
They have the same positive
outlook and are open to new As you can see they are more
Mina similar to each other then they
discovered that Hongki was initially appeared to be; they are a
younger than her, she said she was reflection of each other’s inner self.
looking forward to exploring a “new And it’s that inner self that created
me”. Hongki, upon discovering that deep spiritual connection to
Mina was different from his usual each other that made them soul
female acquaintances, he chose mates. Hongki felt that connection
to modify his behavior. When when he wondered how he could
their love manuals revealed how sense Mina’s feelings so easily
different they were, Hongki said in that first meeting and Mina felt
JULY 2014
it after she got pass the Hong
Star persona as revealed in her
postcard to him.
In this digital age of online dating
and fleeting relationships, to
witness the emergence of this
love is not something anyone
can easily forget. It is a pure love
with mutual respect and caring.
For those who are still seeking
for love, bear witness that it is
out there. For those who have it,
I believe.