Volume 45 JUNE 2014
Credit : http://wedding21.com
They both value honesty very highly. Mina is
diplomatic with it and Hong Ki is very straightforward
with no discretion at times, Mina honestly told Hong
Chan that he was 40% gentleman but also informed
him that in spite of it she would prefer him over
someone that was 100%. At their wedding, Hong
Chan tells the guests that he thought Hye-Kyo Song
was prettier than Mina.
Both of them are very sensitive and caring people. As
his virtual wife, Mina supported Hongki at his movie
press conference and due to her height, she always
Credit : http://cdn10.mixrmedia.com/user_photos/blog/20
wore flat shoes as well fulfilled his wish in cooking the
chicken stew for him. From the beginning, Hongki
sensed her vulnerability (innocence) and made a
conscious effort to treat her with care throughout the
show. At their wedding, surrounded by his friends,
who were all strangers to Mina, Hongki stood by her
side and even held her hand at one point.
They are both pranksters. Hongki’s band mates are
always saying that he is a prankster as demonstrated
in his trickery with Mina regarding the use of her
coupon for the piggyback ride at the beach. Mina