Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 3 2018 | Page 378

The pig was shocked by the win because he never remembered winning a fight , although the monkey probably did way more . They saved XuanZang out . His face was pale with fear and his body was still shaking . ShaZeng stood with a hand full of food , he looked very worried , but he felt relieved when he saw him safe with monkey and the pig .
They all thought the monster died , so this place should be safe after all , so they decided to stay a few nights before continuing their adventure . Little did they know , that wasn ’ t the case . They saw an old lady walking towards them . Her back was hunched and her face was full of wrinkles . The old lady walked towards their direction . “ Should we help her ?” asked the pig . “ Yes of course , we have to carry a kind and polite heart and help anyone in need .” answered the monk in a caring voice . The pig was the first one to approach the lady , the others followed behind . The lady spotted the monk and walked to him instead . “ Do you know where to get food ?” asked the lady . While the lady was saying her words , monkey immediately looked through her soul and recognised the monster . He was confused because he thought she was dead , but there was no time for confusion , saving his mentor was top priority . He pulled out his golden stick from his ear and smashed the old lady . The monster left the old lady dead on the floor while she escaped . XuanZang was so angry seeing a kind old lady dead on the floor .
“ Did you not hear what I just said ? How dare you hurt the innocent ?” the monk scolded the monkey , the voice was different this time .
Before the monkey could explain , XuanZang cursed words . The pain grew larger and larger on his head where his head piece was , so he begged to stop , but the curse lasted what seemed forever for the monkey . The pain stopped , and the monkey explained to him that the old lady was the monster that kidnapped him , and he would never kill the innocents . The monk did not believe him because he also thought the monster was dead . Therefore , he kicked the monkey away and asked him to never come back . Without saying a word , the monkey stepped on a flying cloud and flew back home . He knew things would only get worse if he talked back . The others believed the monkey , but they didn ’ t dare to say anything . Their journey did not continue much before another person approached them .
“ How are you guys ? I heard you guys are travellers to the west , I present you some food , good luck !.” said the old man in a kind voice .
“ We cannot trust you , you ’ re probably the monster again , we will never receive your food . Our mentor has already went through enough trouble .” shouted ShaZeng .
The old man dragged XuanZang into the cave again with great strength and tied him on a pole . In shock , ShaZeng yelled the monkey ’ s name asking him to come . Within seconds , the monkey was happy enough to arrive . He knew the team would struggle without him so he was happy for everyone to notice . He knew what happened because he was watching with his supervision eyes , but still asked to sound normal . “ What happened this time ?” “ He … is inside again !” shouted the pig . There was zero hesitation before the monkey flew into the cave , ShaZeng and the pig took longer to get in because of the lack of energy from their shaky legs . “ You again ! I thought you got kicked out by your mentor .” said the old man , trying to be intimidating . The monkey use his eyes , he could recognise the monster . “ I ’ m here to save my mentor , you monster !” The pig and ShaZeng went in front to stop the monster . XuanZang started to believe it , but he didn ’ t like what was happening . The monster couldn ’ t continue , the monkey ’ s stick was simply too strong for his limits , so once again she left the old man dead on the floor while she escaped . XuanZang was saved and they left the dangerous cave . The monkey showed him the lunch box the old man was carrying , it was full of poisonous leaves and worms . The monk finally believed the monkey , and he asked for forgiveness . Monkey forgave him and XuanZang agreed to keep him . The journey continued , more challenges were ahead of them .