Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 3 2018 | Page 377

New Journeys to the West
The International Schools Foundation Academy , Lau , Cheuk Yee Marsha – 13


uring the Tang dynasty , there was a monk called XuanZang . He was hated by his parents , so he got sent to be a monk . Because of the kindness from the Guanyin buddha , she gave him a golden stick and asked him to collect scriptures from the west . The monkey king was an immortal and very powerful . Because of his mischievous , he caused trouble on the sky temple , and stole peaches . He got punished by the great buddha and locked him in a mountain . He was told by GuanYin buddha that his records would get erased if he helped a monk with this journey . Over five hundred years later , XuanZang walked passed the mountain and the monkey begged for his rescue . He agreed to save him as long as he followed him to the west . XuanZang became the monkey ’ s mentor and the journey continued .
ShaZeng was a general in the sky temple , but got kicked out and sent to exile where he ate human for living . One day , the monk and the monkey passed the river . ShaZeng begged for their rescue and he joint the team . ShaZeng promised to show loyalty and protect everyone as best as he could .
ZhuBaJie was a lazy pig that only liked beautiful girls and food . He was an officer in the sky temple , sent to exile because of his laziness . Guanyin buddha suggested him to beg XuanZang for forgiveness and promise to protect him . He soon joined the team .
White dragon horse was an officer in the sky temple . He burnt an expensive pearl so he almost got executed . The Guanyin buddha came on time to save him , telling him he would live if he helped XuanZang to the west . Guanyin buddha turned him into a strong white horse , and let XuanZang ride on his back . They continued the journey together .
As they walked , the hunger got to them , not only for the pig but to everyone , so they agreed to take a break before continuing the journey . They found a shaded spot in between mountains to rest , while ShaZeng seeked food . The sun didn ’ t shine at them , and the cold breeze would occasionally blow to cool them down . Despite the relaxation , they didn ’ t notice a dark cave . Inside the cave lived a monster . White skeleton monster was the only words to describe her , because nobody seen how she really looked like . She had the power to transform herself into human in disguise to trick her victims . She peeked into brightness and targeted on XuanZang . She learned that eating XuanZang ’ s flesh would turn her into immortal , so she was determined .
“ I have to get that meat , I have to become immortal !” shouted the monster , but she realised she couldn ’ t be heard . “ What was that ?” said the monkey quietly . He was unsure about the noise , it could be anything . He thought ShaZeng was coming back with a hand full of food , so he got very excited . “ That monkey , that monkey ,” the monster thought to herself . “ He has a special eye that can see through anything and find anything . And that golden stick can beat anyone to death . XuanZang is lucky to have him to protect him , but he is no challenge .”
XuanZang and the pig didn ’ t notice anything , they were too focused at ShaZeng coming back . The monkey thought ShaZeng was taking too long , so he went to find him . The monster saw a perfect chance to kidnap XuanZang , so she transformed into a good looking little girl and walked up to the pig . The pig ’ s day finally arrived , seeing ladies again . He got so distracted that he notice his mentor gone . The monster kidnapped XuanZang and pulled him back to her cave . He was screaming for the pig , but he was still daydreaming . By the time he woke up from his “ dream ”, he panicked and yelled for help . The monkey came flying back . “ He .. He … He went into the cave !” The words stumbled out of the pig ’ s mouth . He was shaking from head to toe . They flew into the cave the pig pointed to . Deep inside the dark mysterious cave , there was XuanZang tied to a pole . The monkey saw the little girl and using his incredible eyes , he saw through the girl ’ s soul and he knew she was in disguise , the girl was the white skeleton monster ! He pulled out the shrunk golden stick from his ear , and expanded it to its normal size . He hit the monster hard , so did the pig . The fight lasted minutes , until the monster thought she couldn ’ t last any longer , so she released a clone of her dead on the floor , while her invisible self flew away .
“ How could this happen ! I was so close , the monkey had to arrive at this time !” The monster was furious about the lost .