Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 3 2018 | Page 379

The Heaven's Secret The International Schools Foundation Academy, Li, Gregory - 11 T he Monkey King rises from his throne and looks miles deep and miles high. From seconds to days, and from days to years, he gazes, century after century. One day, he finally makes a decision. A decision he will not be able to change, one he won’t be able to undo. He has been planning for decades with one of his most loyal friends, Wayne. Wayne has written this poem to impress the Monkey King, who in turn was so awed by his friend’s words that he posted it on an ornate column to show his gratitude and pride. Mightier than you think, Faster than you wink. It’s the Monkey King. You can hear him, Up in heaven sim, Or is it real? You must behold, ‘Cause when you’re old, He’ll get revenge! The Monkey King retreats his gaze and snaps back into reality. He finds his forever-loyal Wayne waiting, motionless, beside him. He snatches a pin out of the hundred thousand lying on his complex multi-material desk. He spins it and flings it up high in the air. Bullseye, it lands on his ear. He levitates and starts to surge upwards into the clouds, over the fog, and into heaven. Heaven is what you imagine right now as being. It is always morphing into your thoughts, so I don’t think I need to describe it. Just think, it is what you think it is. He finally spots the scroll, the ancient and sacred one. The one that holds the secret, the promise never forgotten by the gods. Then… Boom! Crashing through the doors, the three-eyed monsters growl at the sight of intruders. “It’s him again!” they think. This is bad news for them. They quickly retreat and go to call for backup. Soon enough, an army of them faces the two monkeys. Wayne shivers. They are his worst nightmare, but he knows he cannot abandon the Monkey King. He only has one choice, stay alive and watch. He slowly withdraws and clears a dozen meters. In an instant, The Monkey King duplicates himself. Like in a video game, his clones materialize pixel by pixel. It is an amazing sight to see, even Wayne, seeing it so many times, still loves the sensation. The fight is violent, just think about infinite monkeys with large sticks that are unbreakable and made by gods, against an abundance of crazy monsters with three eyes and special weird god-like powers. It might actually be better not to think about it. It ends pretty much like after the doom of the world over and over again about 50 million times. Only The Monkey King survives along with the invincible palace. Even the monsters disappear from sight, vanishing into thin air, not one bit left. Wayne is still shocked and was paralyzed, but The Monkey King has not even broken a sweat. The Monkey King reaches and hovers his hand over the scroll. It automatically spreads open. Pretty cool huh? Wayne barely glances at the text, he never thought Heaven’s Secret would look this boring. He is rigid, staring off into the wilderness when The Monkey King glares at him. Wayne quickly turns his head and looks over the scroll with new interest. It states: I declare that we will follow the rules we made together. We will be together and siblings forever, and vow to never fight and kill each other. We will share our rations equally no matter what they are. We will dine and forget humans forever. They are nasty and naughty and should be treated unfairly. If anyone of us disobeys one of these rules, he or she will be sent to the forever burning hell underground.