face of things. The main assumption of this journal is that man o r
woman cannot exist unless he or she clarifies their meaning and
purpose as a human being. How exactly does I AM relate to being
a member of a family, while love beco mes a superficial
expression. Especially when their children adopt cultural
definitions in many ways diverse from family tradition. Parents
don't co mmunicate their language, maybe never cared enough to
relate, so everybody accepts the pathos as status quo. Love has
little value to anyone.
This comes to assert that love as per expression in the modern
age is manufactured, package d and produced. Sadly, this goes to
say the value of moral commitments fro m a son on behalf of his
mother are a contract with reality based on natural psychological
configurations - behavioral conduct proved by the test of time to
ensure the social co mfort. One may discern a law in nature; it is
known that all things re main peaceably in a state of rest, and only
when necessity arises put forth; certainly, the least exertion! We
live moral ethics as though the illusions of "propriety," are ipso
facto, the implicit of one's self worth. Exertion has beco me (fo r
the most part) unbearable as we search for auto mation. I found it
overwhelming to plan and execute the travel from Israel to Seattle,
the nearly furthest distance one can travel on the face of the earth.
Not to mention being uprooted fro m the comforts of ho me.
Relativity theories measure energy as an equivalent: mass as
potential of force exerted upon the environment in which it exists.
Every particle of the universe in mo tion throughout the abyss o f
spacelessness. In the inner world of functions and sensations, the
force of soul may be reduced to a comradery of actions betwee n
particles of a fa mily, friendship, or association and timeless
energy. "All for One and One for All!" Soul essence of eterna l
origins cannot be considered a mass yet is possessed of energy,
ipso fact not included in Einstein's equation. Soul essence is a n
immeasurable force, each ONE element being imbued with its
purpose in the realm of creation. Soul co mbined in the unity o f
ALL is greater than the whole !
I'm really struggling to write this treatise, story; book - literary
endeavor. I'm near seventy years old now and have many aches
associated to age and concentration , typing, deep consideratio n
of what the reader might think up on being exposed to these
thoughts; encouraging you to keep reading. The theme of this