Homeless in Paris Homeless in Paris | Page 19

B"H message is that words make their impress ion upon the reader as if the author portrays a design of imagined events like the shape and color of figures in a picture. In this treatise, the object in focus is the mind of the author, who in all humility perceives himself as schizophrenic : subject to bouts of paranoia, battles for interna l stability. To live out my life having sought to restore the soul essence to the human experience, by cultivating it within mysel f as an ends unto its self-worth. That means I have pangs of conscience that might amount to delusions of paranoid, so why would you listen to me? Creative endeavor being something I enjoy to share , producing art works, taking care of a garden, built a Succah, added aluminum siding to my fence - have written extensively. My soul keeps me busy, imbued with potential deep within, which I can perhaps explore b y virtue of (as tej-he reader may have noticed the alternativ e name of this literary co mposition, "Internal Expansion Uniquely" ). If I had to explain those words, I would say this subtitle could be take n to mean introspection is particular to each person individually. Sitting at the keyboard is a process that conclu des, almost each time, with arthritic crankiness upon arising from a seated position. Maybe that explains how I can lie in bed so many hours and sleep more than I ever have. Must be getting ready to be dead, lying around doing nothing won't be so strange t o me. The multimedia propagates sensory training that restricts our freedom of thought. The body responds to electronic stimul i instead of internal thought mechanisms . The "power society" knows that self-degradation is the whip of the slave master; meaning the human beast is restrained by a leash attached to sights and sounds. It is understood the collar is around the neck of the reader and the author, until I AM detaches from either or both o f us. In the olden times, "awareness society" had little control over the International Influenza Info whereby there is no allegiance to a worldview and economic authority reigns supre me. This proble m is exasperated by the continual diminution of the earth's raw material, and population increases resulting in de mographic realignment of people, and property. I nternational ownership pays no regard to national boundaries. The government of the far away spaces of nature ; the Atmosphere, Troposphere | Stratosphere , Mesosphere, and Thermosphere are another matter altogether. At the time of this 19