Homeless in Paris Homeless in Paris | Page 17

B"H expense to put me up for a few weeks. There were strong magnets drawing me back to Israel, I resisted them. From the mo ment I arrive to his humble abode (a studio apartment in which he 'd set up an office) I started right in to work. I kept up with modernity and managed to learn all that an office secretary has to know in order to keep a business organized and viable. I invested tre mendous strength and skill to organize the working space, and as such provide enough creature comfort to function as a crash pad. The first days of my visit were filled with occupational trajectories, going with the boss to customers, making myself useful as a paid helper who was learning the business, taking notes of stated opinions, and neither requesting or receiving any monetary co mpensation. It was a hands-o n training apprenticeship, and I had a roof over my head, an occasional meal, and a chance to make it into the professiona l world. Oh, that real life could be so naturally easy. Maybe it is when our expectations are humbled to a degree of mutua l respectability: "live, and let live." The magnificence of understanding and an appreciation o f nature must expand to include mental pheno mena . Much depends on intensity and simplicity of life's interactions. There is an aspect of what we call love; it ceases to exist and can no longer nouris h emotion from the mo ment it's forgotten. As pertains to the language of co mmunication, much more than verbal expressio n have to be right for there to be harmony between tow approachi ng bodies. It was my inception to the relationship and that which had not changed in my personality was still what he expected to receive; though I clarified exactitude of my intentions, his personality saw the world as his mind believe d. One may affix the appellation of arrogant to intellectuals whose money and illusive projections leave the m squirming in their own disappointment, so he got in his kicks b y terrorizing me; hateful sinfulness pursued me. Alas the payment was unforgettably rendered (as far as my proactive indiscretion), and thusly I AM. Neither of us ended up getting so mething free. The pursuit and determination to keep a hobby of c reative writing allows raising a hope that someday so meone ma y appreciate what I had to say. But, it's upon me to offer recollectio n of it by virtue of sociable involvement, ergo to keep my mind o n an articulation covert within its depths , and clear as a bell on the 17