to inform the reader I had boarded the flight from Paris ; a m
tumulting through space towards dear mother. Jetting fro m Israe l
Europe across the ocean to the furthest western extre me of the
American continent. Were these thoughts written, and thereafter
retold from a different perspective of this storyline, or is what I'm
writing at the mo ment the same wave of energy prevailing as a
motion of galloping energy? The contrary perspective, it's now
years' time later when I'm editing what I wrote . It doesn't seem to
me that an oil painting can depict varying periods of time. I find
my thoughts inclined to this awareness as it gives the subconscious
expression of being appreciated for so doing. That would apply
even if no one ever reads this but me .
These words are directed to people familiar with conte mplatio n
of abstract concepts, to co nsider when the earth was aforetime
filled with healthy bodies of water, fish, fowl, and animals
coexisting with nature. Before the threat of global climate
catastrophe and the constant foreboding as to whether future
generations will see the globe return to natural balance. By
polluting natural bodies of water with toxic waste, we have
become dependent on industry to remove the toxins from the wate r
we drink. Can the modern man only co mprehend fictional tales
with colorful depictions of circumstances while he ignores
horrifying limitation of the when and how of activities or
technologies ? Freedo m can be realized only where the intrinsic
balance between body and soul, when personal liberties and
universal responsibilities are energized harmoniously with the
essential throbs of nature. Much of life can be spelled out in terms
of suffering, probably a genital trait connected to limitations o f
human longevity.
In the disguise of an author, I can travel between expanses o f
my me mory that portray earlier pleasant or traumatic experiences
including any now that will extend beyond the pre sent. I had
traveled on a plane ticket paid at the expense of a friend wit h
whom I had been out of touch the greater part of thirty years. He
acceded to my request that he pay the airfare. As a college student,
I put him into business with a few hundred-dollar loan. Havin g
started and with six 10 speed bicycles he built a million dolla r
enterprise, traveled the world and ended up in Safrascity lonely
for my co mpany. Had we renewed the friendship it would have
been very beneficial and well-worth the cost of my flight and