Dear You
Poetry - 182 Q4
I had no idea what to write about but I had a lot of feelings bottled up. I got this great idea from Andrea where she said that in order for me to move I should write to him. He was my best friend but life happens and things and we’re not friends anymore. I’d been holding on to this feeling of desperation and anger for too long and with this piece I was able to move on.
This piece I wrote it with pen and paper in my journal hoping that no one would ever read it. Now I understand that I have nothing to be ashamed of. It was something that I wrote on a whim and was suppose to never look back. Now Vania helped me edit it in order to make it flow and sound better, but the message is still intact.
My favorite part of this poem is that I’m very vulnerable and raw and real. Most of my pieces aren’t very personal. Maybe they are part of an experience I had but I am never the narrator, but in this case I’m taking to the reader and I’m fully exposed. “I loved you./ Maybe I still do./ Maybe that’s why I keep fighting,/ and pleading to whoever/ is out there listening,/ that one day,/ you might still listen too.” There’s not much more to say.
On the other hand, I feel like I could work on my last stanza because I feel like there’s others which are a lot stronger so it doesn’t create such a bold statement. “I’m under the influence, / Of greatness / And I’ve never felt better. ”