Health & Wellness
Angela’s FaithnFitness
Fitness Tip for November
by Angela Winston-Hebert
very month, I try to write something
that will encourage others whether
physically or mentally to begin moving your body. The Fitness Tips I share with
you are not about losing weight or obtaining
a certain look. My Tips are to encourage preventative care.
We are constantly dealing with “life”
and when we do not find outlets it begins
affecting our health.
Keeping physically fit, means keep26 HimPower November 2016
ing mentally fit as well. That means finding
healthy ways to deal with what psychologists
would typically call “negative emotions” —
such as anger, aggression, aggravation, fear,
etc. — and reinforcing the positive emotions
and behaviors in our life. It means finding
ways to communicate with the loved ones in
our lives, rather than bottling it all up inside
and letting it simmer. It means getting enough
quality sleep each night, and finding positive
ways to relieve stress as you encounter it