HIMPower Magazine | Page 25

Dr . Lomax :
Disk herniations are very common . Most people actually live with disk bulges or protrusions and generally are asymptomatic . When symptoms do develop from an acute herniation that causes nerve compression , treatment is generally conservative unless there is severe unrelenting pain that radiates down into the buttocks , legs or feet , associated numbness , tingling and weakness of the lower extremity region supplied by the nerve or nerves that may be compressed from the herniation or new bowel or bladder changes just to name a few . Surgery for back pain is typically not a good idea and rarely suggested . There are some cases for example , trauma with instability of that injured segment / vertebrae level , infections , tumors , gross instability of that segment / vertebrae level that may be causing nerve compression and severe leg pain and weakness etc .
Isolated back pain from a disk herniation therefore should be managed conservatively with pain control , weight loss if the person is overweight , as this is a major factor in the exacerbation of the pain , strengthening of the core and back muscles that support the lower back and spine . Performing aquatic exercises is a great way to minimize pain , get stronger and lose weight all at the same time . Walking twice a day for 30-45minutes is also a great way to stay active , and keep weight under control . Chiropractic care or physical therapy can also be very helpful . Epidural steroid injections can often provide a temporary measure of relief with results varying from individual to individual . Bottom line is avoid back surgery unless you really have symptoms that are severe and unrelenting , mainly those that are related to nerve compromise , which if left untreated can lead to permanent neurological issues e . g . chronic pain and weakness etc . God Bless .
Dr . Lenny Lomax is a Licensed Physician & Orthopaedic Surgeon . He defines his role of physician as being someone trusted by patients and their families . ‘ Doctors are expected to heal , not cause more pain and suffering ’. Dr . Lomax acknowledges that natural medications have the potential to greatly improve the public ’ s general health and well-being , as our country has become a nation addicted to pills , which is destroying our communities . His mission is to find a resolution to this pervasive problem by offering effective natural solutions to remedy this global problem . As he often states “ I know GOD made me for this purpose . It makes my spirit full and motivates me ! I am so encouraged that I have been blessed with this mission . I became a Doctor to help people and that ’ s exactly what I plan to do .”
Guidance and opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those held by the publisher . Any information provided by Pneu-Path for Living , LLC ™ via HimPower Magazine ™ or other form of communication regarding options for personal empowerment or wellness is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice , diagnosis or treatment . The information is provided for informational purposes only to make readers aware of other options available . Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with questions regarding any type of physical or emotional medical condition and treatment options . www . pneupathforliving . com 25