external circum-
...for he satisfies the thirsty and needed to complete
stances are much
fills the hungry with good things. before beginning
easier, my depen-
the visits.
dence on Jesus
Maybe about
Psalms 107:9
has been forever
two or more
changed. My eyes
months passed
have been opened to see that only He can
before I actually started seeing the inmates.
satisfy the longing soul, and fill the hungry
Sometime during this period, our family
soul with good things. (See Psalms 107:9).
was in the very early stages of adopting a
My husband, no matter how hard he may
middle school foster boy. He was our son’s
try, can never satisfy the needs of my soul.
friend, and I was already able to spend
He was never created to do so.
time with him. I had grown to love this
HimPower: What do you feel led to do as boy. It came as a complete shock when I
a servant of Christ?
spoke to the CPS caseworker one day and
Wiebracht: I will absolutely have to steal heard that another couple had chosen to
Paul’s words here, because he echoes my
adopt him. They had already completed the
desire so perfectly “Here is a trustworthy
requirements and paperwork involved, and
saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ
were able to adopt his sister as well. I had
Jesus came into the world to save sinners—
always wanted this adoption to be God’s
of whom I am the worst. But for that very
road, and not mine. It appeared He had
reason I was shown mercy so that in me,
closed this door, so I immediately let go of
the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might
pursuing this dream any further. However,
display his immense patience as an example it was still a very painful process for me.
for those who would believe in Him and
I began going to the jail shortly after this
receive eternal life.” (1 Timothy 1:15-16).
loss, and I truly believe it was an incredibly
God has called me to tell the world that He
tender and gracious gift from God to me.
rescued me and delivered me. And if He
It was as though He were showing me, that
could redeem and save me, then He is able,
although he had not chosen this child for
without a doubt, to heal and deliver you.
me to mother and comfort and love—He
(See Psalm 107:17-22)
had mercifully given me many hurting and
HimPower: What led you to join a
broken hearted women, who needed my
women’s ministry with incarcerated women? comfort and love as well.
Wiebracht: It was something I was not
HimPower: What can you tell us about
actually pursuing. However, one day after
this ministry and why it’s important to you?
Bible study, a lady from our church invited
Do the women embrace you? If yes, why do
me to join her in the jail ministry. I was
you think that is?
open to going, but there were some steps I
Wiebracht: The ministry at the jail is a
28 HimPower October 2017